Jan. 25, 2017 | Burner research, Combustion technology, References and publications
References and publications Place of publication Propulsion and Power Research, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2017, Pages 15-24 Field Burner research; Combustion technology Keywords Micromix combustion; Hydrogen gasturbine; Dry-low-NOx (DLN) combustion; Hydrogen...
Apr. 13, 2016 | Catalyst research, Combustion technology, DeNOx, References and publications, Selective catalytic reduction, Stack Gas Analysis
References and publications Place of publication Environ. Sci. Technol., 2016, 50 (10), pp 5189–5196 Field Catalyst research; SCR; DeNOx; Combustion; Stack Gas Analysis Keywords Instrument used for NO, NO₂ and NOx measurement ECO PHYSICS CLD 822 Mh Abstract NO...