Juli 8, 2017 | References and publications, Selective catalytic reduction
References and publications Place of publication Topics in Catalysis; pp 1–16 Field Selective catalytic reduction Keywords Kinetics; SCR; High concentration; High temperature; Fitting of experimental data; Oxyfuel process Instruments used for NOx measurements ECO...
Feb. 1, 2017 | Catalytic Reduction, DeNOx, Energy Production, References and publications, Selective catalytic reduction
References and publications Place of publication Journal of Catalysis – Volume 334, February 2016, Pages 1-13 Field SCR; DeNOx; Catalytic Reduction; Energy Production Keywords Low-temperature NH3-SCR; Nitrogen oxides (NOx); Manganese oxide (MnOx); Titania...
Apr. 13, 2016 | Catalyst research, Combustion technology, DeNOx, References and publications, Selective catalytic reduction, Stack Gas Analysis
References and publications Place of publication Environ. Sci. Technol., 2016, 50 (10), pp 5189–5196 Field Catalyst research; SCR; DeNOx; Combustion; Stack Gas Analysis Keywords Instrument used for NO, NO₂ and NOx measurement ECO PHYSICS CLD 822 Mh Abstract NO...